Mitt förkläde är snart färdigt, bara ett par knappar och knapphål som saknas. Visst ser man likheter med inspirationsbilden? Idag fick vi jobba med lite kundarbeten, teaterkläder var det frågan om. De var kanske inte de snyggaste tygen och modellerna, men intressant och lärorikt ändå. All sy-erfarenhet är bra erfarenhet!
Dagens klädsel;
College-jacka från H&M, resten second hand.
My apron is almost finished! Todays outfit is all second hand apart from the jacket (from H&M)
Dear Kitten,
SvaraRaderaI was so happy to read about your studying! I liked your previous blog and especially your ideas and opinions - I am trying to become a minimalist, so everything related to reusing old clothes, reducing usage of cosmetics etc. inspires me. And of course, you are so talented and skilled dressmaker!
So now it is disappointing to see that your new blog is not in English :-( It seems I will have to learn Swedish :-) Regards,
your secret follower from the Czech Republic.
Dear anonymous! Thank you for your encouragement, it's nice to know there are others out there with similar thoughts! :)
SvaraRaderaBy the way, if you look at the bottom of the posts, there is an english translation there! This far I haven't written much of interest (so the english version is shorter) but I am planning on writing just as much in both languages whenever I have something more important to say so stay tuned! :)